Letters to Santa From Needy Kids
Examples of letters to Santa from past years
Below are samples of letters to Santa that Be An Elf adopted in the past. They may not be adopted again, but you may adopt current letters through the wonderful USPS® website, USPSoperationsanta.com, starting around Thanksgiving every year. In the meantime, the examples below will give you an idea of what to look for.
Be An Elf is hoping to adopt lots of letters to Santa this year from the USPS® website. Our goal is to send a $100 Target Gift Card to the Mom of each needy family; we’ll enclose a card that says, simply, “For your kids. Love, Santa.” We let the Moms do the Christmas shopping. Gifts to Be An Elf are tax-deductible.
Of course children’s last names and addresses have been removed by the USPS® staff to protect childrens’ privacy. Journalists will find a selection of high-resolution images here or for high-resolution photos, click on our Photos page.